First of all, I started this Substack in May of 2021. It initially began as a monthly digest of historical news. Over time, both the content and the model behind this newsletter evolved and it did so to accommodate my personal life and work schedule of the time. Some time later, the audio podcast thing happened and the rest is history.
The best part though, is watching the community (and number of subscribers grow). Seeing this has been a key motivator to producing more content for you to enjoy. I am eternally thankful for that. In this time, everything that I have provided has been free and I will gladly continue to bring that same content at the same price (free).
This entire project was and continues to be a project of passion. Despite my recent agreement with Ancient Origins, I do everything for Digging Up The Past on my own dime, which includes the acquisition of audio/video equipment/software, Zoom subscriptions, a payment to some of my guests, books for research/review (to have something to discuss with my guests) and more.
This is why I recently enabled a Paid Subscription tier for Digging Up The Past. What does this mean? This means that I will make available special content behind a paywall which includes the video recordings of the audio podcast which contains bonus material (i.e. bloopers, behind the scenes, bonus questions), special guest articles and more! Please do not confuse this with my statement above. If you decide that it is not for you (and that is okay), you will continue to get the same content you have been getting for free. The paid tier will provide access to things that I have not made available on the site before.
As always, thank you for everything. Thank you for your support (paid or free). Thank you for going on this adventure with me. I look forward to us continuing our journey together.